
The general approach that I use is that the intelligence of the body is far greater than our collective consciousness. Therefore I am a student of the body, and my job is to mirror the pathophysiological mechanisms, to provide insight and to show how much pain & mobility is possible, in other words what can be attained. Then it is up to the patient to apply this learned mobility/ pain barrier, etc. And start working with it, in order to activate the self healing mechanism of the body.

This self healing mechanism is of course in younger people, with a lot of stem cells, an easier road than it is in the elderly. There the respons will take longer and is maybe even harder. When this self healing mechanism fails (not enough stem cells, etc.) we transfer the patient towards regular medical care because the body cannot heal itself and needs support through pills and knifes. This is why an osteopath is trained to recognize the red flags.

The compensatory mechanism for lack of mobility, pain, tiredness, etc., can also be found in the psychosocial domain. The way to handle and live with a reduced mobility, or a certain level of discomfort can be increased. That is why in chronic pain approaches there is always an additional psycho education.

My goal: It has been my mission in life to helping people find their inner strength or health so that they can grow and become the person they were meant to be. To help them soften what has hardened inside.

This is why I am committed to lifelong learning.

Training Background

Idealized Integrated Pelvic Care, Berghmans, Phd, PT, 2022

Echografie voor osteopaten met Dr. Pedio MD DO, 2022

Movement and ELW, Calsius (2021)

Jung; an introduction, Guild of Analytical Psychologists (2020-21)

Statistics, University Utrecht (2020)

Orthodontics and Osteopathy, Pro-Osteo, Gilze-Rije (2021)

Philip Beach, Art and Movement, Hilversum(2021)

Ultrasound in Osteopathy, Fico (2021)

Existential Fear, Calsius (2020)

Enuresis Nocturna, Wolfheeze (2019)

Experiential Body Work (ELW), Calsius (2018)

ANS, Janig (2016)

The gut microbiome, B. Donatini (2016-17)

Embryology, R. Gasser (2015)

The heart 2 and 3, P. van den Heede (2012-13)

Brain Gut relations, Fascia and the gut, P. van den Heede (2011-12)

Osteopathy, Yoga and Meditatie, India (2011)

Pediatrics, W. van Camp (2011)

Biodynamic Osteopathy Phase 1, W. van Camp (2010)

Blechschmidt's Embryology, B. Freeman (2010)

Impact of Intervention on Neonates (2010)

Morphodynamics, P. van den Heede (2010)

The Brain, B. Chickly (2010)

Babytherapie, R. Verdult (2010)

The Heart, Patrick van den Heede (2010)

The Living Matrix, J. Oschman (2009)

Emotie en Osteopathie, P. van den Heede (2009)

Summer School Institute of Biophysics, Neuss (2009-10)

Cursus Babyreflexen, M. Zweegman, De Witte Roos (2009)

Panta Rhei; R. Zweedijk, 'Het brein' (2009)

Het brein en osteopathie', P. van den Heede (2008)

Basis intuïtive development 1 and 2, CICO, The Hague (1998)

Psychomotor education, N.Brouw, The Hague (1996)

Connective Tissue Massage, Leffelaar, Amsterdam (1992)

Footreflexzone massage acc. To Marquardt. (1992)

Cardiac rehabilitation, SVH, Amsterdam (1992)

Strength and conditioning for prevention and rehabilitation, Leffelaar. (1991)